
How Multiple Sclerosis Patients Can Benefit From Wearing Knee Supports

  Wearing knee sleeves and braces can be helpful for people who are struggling with multiple sclerosis. This chronic autoimmune disorder can cause leg weakness and feelings of instability. Wearing a support device on the knees allows men and women to feel more secure about doing beneficial physical activities, like taking walks in the neighborhood. They also can feel less anxious about walking around a grocery store. About Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis is characterized by a broad range of symptoms, which can be relatively minor or debilitating. The symptoms may be ongoing and progressive or intermittent. Some patients are fortunate to experience periods of remission in which they have only very minor symptoms or none at all. This period of recovery follows an attack of symptoms. It can be a short-lived time of a few weeks or the remission period can last for many years. Symptoms affecting the legs are very common in this disorder. Spasticity, with stiffness and painful spasms,